Six good reasons why a housing cooperative should select a Smart charger from Flexibility

  • Smart charging solution from Flexibility offers cheaper and more affordable charging than standard systems (expect to save 10-70%). We have found several flaws in the load-balancing logic of most brands.
  • Easy invoicing, so residents can pay fair cost allocation for their power consumption without site owner involvement.
  • Flexibility is a total turn-key supplier of charging systems to multi-homes and housing cooperatives, taking care of the whole process.
  • Offers extensive, fast and effective technical support by phone, a self-service page to order installations/technicians, or via e-mail.
  • Scalable solution makes adding new chargers easy and cost-effective with instalments after 1-3 weeks.
  • Future-proof software supports clients with various chargers independent of brand, making future upgrades more affordable.

An example of a client getting 100% Free Charging

Før: Du må betale for mye for strøm og ladingen fordi du bor i et borettslag. Reglene er urettferdige og avregningen er feil og lite fleksible, så du får en høy ladepris.

Etter: Du har nå muligheten til å lade når det er billig. Takket være fleksibel times-avregning og smart lading kan du nå få vesentlig billigere ladepriser. Vår nye smarte lading og avregning gir deg mer kontroll, lavere kostnader og mindre stress. Plugg inn bilen med Flexibility og begynn å spare i dag!

CEO Flexibility

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